One day, the wife made her usual trip to the market. However, she was tired and was feeling a little down because her husband had a large order to fill and was away for a few days. She could have gone with him as she usually did, but she decided to stay home this time. She started to wonder what it would have been like if she had married wealthy. She watched as the merchant wives gabbed in their beautiful clothes. They look so happy, she thought. I wish I could be that happy. If only I had a beautiful dress to wear like them.
Suddenly she heard a voice say, "Your wish is my command." Now the woman had heard stories about the mountain spirit and how it granted the heart's desires, but she never really believed them. So, she decided she was imagining things. She finished her trip at the market and returned home. The rest of the day went on like any other and the woman went to bed feeling glum.
The next morning, she woke up and went to the closet to get dressed. When she opened the door she saw a stunning dress hanging where her old clothes had been. She gasped with surprise. She quickly put the dress on and admired herself in the mirror. She was sure that she had never been so happy in her life. She was so excited that she decided to wear the dress to the market.
Once she got to the market she went about her business, going from stall to stall. As she was shopping, she caught a glimpse inside an elegant carriage where a beautiful woman from the royal court was sitting and smiling. Wow, I've never seen someone look so happy. That woman has a stunning carriage. It must be what is making her so happy, she thought to herself. The woman began to lose her newfound happiness. "If only I had an elegant carriage like her," she said aloud. "Your wish is my command," she heard in response. This time she was sure it had come from the mountain spirit. The woman knew she would get her wish because she had gotten her previous one. She rushed home in excitement and arrived to find a beautiful carriage awaiting her. She shrieked, overcome with joy, and couldn't wait to take it to the market the next day.
The next day, she could barely contain herself as she threw on her beautiful dress and practically flung herself into the carriage to go to the market. On her way she passed by the palace where the royal family resided. The princess was sitting outside in her garden when the prince came out to join her. Her face lit up and a huge smile spread across her face. Wow, the woman thought to herself. She must be the happiest person in the world. It must be because she is married to a prince. If only my husband were a prince. "Your wish is my command," she heard immediately. She could hardly wait to return home to see what awaited her.
She had the carriage turn around and raced home. When she arrived there was no longer a little cottage awaiting her, but a magnificent palace in its place instead.
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Days passed and she hadn't seen her husband for more than ten minutes collectively. He had many royal matters to oversee and didn't have much time for her. So, she wandered around her giant palace aimlessly. She started thinking about her old life and remembered how much time her and her husband got to spend together. Even though they never had much, they always had each other and that had always been enough. What a selfish girl am I? I had everything anyone could ever need. I had a home and a loving husband who adored me. We didn't have a lot of material things, but we had a love that most people dream of. I wish I could go back to my old life, she thought. "Your wish is my command," was the response. However, nothing happened. So, she went through the rest of the day thinking that her life would always be this way, lonely and empty. The woman went to bed that night with a heavy heart.
Morning came and she could barely bring herself to rise out of bed. She swung her feet over the side of her bed and didn't even open her eyes. She placed her feet on the dirt floor and worked up the courage to open her eyes. Wait, she thought. This is a dirt floor, not a marble floor! Her eyes flung open and she took in the plain room of her cottage. She was thrilled. She ran out the door and saw her husband returning home and ran into his arms. He was taken by surprise, but loved any chance he got to hold her. So there they stood holding each other and the woman vowed to never again take her beautiful life for granted.
Author's note: My story was inspired by the Japanese fairytale The Stonecutter. The Stonecutter is about a stonecutter who is dissatisfied with his life. He asks the mountain spirit to turn him into different things that he thinks are more powerful than himself. He goes from being a stonecutter, to a wealthy man, to the sun, to a cloud, to rain, to a rock, and then ultimately back to a stonecutter. I took the basic plot and kept it the same. I also kept the occupation of a stonecutter involved in the story to help further the connection to the original. However I changed the main character to a female and made it be about the role of a stonecutter's wife. I also changed the way that she transformed. Instead of having her transform into different objects and changing power status, I had her transform into different classes of wealth. I thought that this would make the story a little bit more interesting because she wasn't changing physically, but rather socially. I also wanted to give it an aspect of love to go along with my portfolio theme. The woman realizes that all the wealth in the world can't make her as happy as the love of her husband and the time they spend together. Overall the moral is the same, that greed can take us away from what really matters most.
Bibliography: Japanese Fairy Tales retold by Andrew Lang; Mythology and Folklore Untextbook
Image Information:
Image 1- clipart taken from
Image 2- Photo of the main gate of the Imperial Palace in Japan taken by KenPei found on Wikipedia Commons
Image Information:
Image 1- clipart taken from
Image 2- Photo of the main gate of the Imperial Palace in Japan taken by KenPei found on Wikipedia Commons
Wow Cassie I love this story so much. It is so true in our society today. So many people see the joy that others have and the material things and they think that would make them happy. People need to gain a better understanding that it is our relationships and the little things that can make our day, not grand and elegant things. It was a great story and I really enjoyed reading it.
ReplyDeleteHey Cassie, this was another one of your great pieces of work. I was a fan of how much relation to our current everyday society there is. I wrote a very similar type moral in one of my stories where a man goes from rags to riches and back to rags. I have not read the Japanese Fairy Tales, but I can tell from what you've done here that I'd like them. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love the background of your portfolio! It’s really eye-catching and perfect for your love-story theme. Your story, The Stonecutter’s Wife, was a great read! I honestly didn’t know if this was going to be a new take on Aladdin or a Cinderella Story and I was happily surprised to find out it was neither! The ending was very shocking, but in a really great way! I enjoyed how you showed the wife longing after the lives of others. This helped me see how her feelings changed even though she was getting everything she wanted. It was the classic tale of “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.” To make this story even better it would be cool to see the point of view of the husband. Does he feel guilty that he can’t give his wife everything she wants? Is he worried she will leave him? Adding in this point of view would give even more detail to your story! Great job and I can’t wait to read more!!
ReplyDeleteCassie, I was drawn to your story because of the title. I'm doing my portfolio around stories that are mainly about women, so I was excited to read your story that fits my tastes. I really loved it, which I was hoping I would. There was just enough detail to get the point across of the wife and her feelings without losing the point of the story. This happened multiple times, so the story was continuously evolving and keeping me invested. I totally relate to the wife and constantly wanting bigger and better things. However, things are just things and I was so happy that she also realized that and valued her relationship with her husband more than her desire to have pretty things. I would have loved to see more pictures or a picture of the woman to really help me imagine her. The picture of the palace helped me imagine it so much more, so maybe in your next story you could find pictures to represent the main places and people.
ReplyDeleteCassie, I loved reading your other story about the girl who had to choose between the three boys that I decided to come back this week and read another one of your portfolio stories. I like the premise of this story because in the end it is about being grateful for what you have (I love a good story with a moral at the end). You did a good job with the story following the woman as her wishes and desires increase. It was also interesting that when she wished for her old life back and did not immediately receive it that she was somewhat upset and disappointed. I wonder what would have happened if when she wished for her husband to be a prince, he would have neglected her or been rude to her instead of being to busy for her. I can see how the character change might mess with the story but it is an interesting thought. It is a great story example of our modern day world and how we never seem to be satisfied with anything. We always crave bigger and better. Great job telling this story!
ReplyDeleteI read “The Three Lovers” and “The Stone Cutter’s Wife”.
ReplyDeleteIn “The Three Lovers”, I love how you set up the setting! Everyone knows what high school is like- the drama and the boys, especially. I love that you turned this into a fairy-tale, though! I thought it was hilarious that she slipped into a coma after the stress of finals and graduation became too much for her. I love that she finally comes to a decision- I wonder how her and Dylan will work out in college?
I love that you set your story in Japan in, “The Stone Cutter’s Wife”. I have always been fascinated by this culture, so I love to explore what people think about it! How I wish that I had someone to grant my every wish- I might just wish for a beautiful dress as well.
Great job with your project!
I think your version is really great. I have not read the original version of Stonecutter story, but I have read a retold version of this story by a fellow classmate. I think you did very well in preserve all the main themes and the tone of the original version while adding your own taste in your version. I also like how to use the woman’s perspective. In comparing to the original version where the stonecutter wishes for power, the woman yearns for more superficial and materialistic things. I also love how you incorporate the theme of love in the story. I think this theme actually connects all the stories in your portfolio together. Whenever I do feedback for portfolio, I tend to confuse what is the relationship between all the stories if there is any relationship at all. I wish I can give you some useful feedbacks, but I think you did very well for this project that I can’t find any problem with it. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHey Cassie-
ReplyDeleteI love how detailed this story is and how much you put into the setting and the characters. It is a little longer than some of your stories in the past, but it was a fast read and a great story.
If I would change anything, I wish you would give us a little more detail and info on what the original of this story was like! I think it would make my appreciation for the story grow even more.