I like the story of
Silly Jura. I love underdog stories almost as much as I like fairy tales. There is just something about watching someone, who is expected to fail, succeed. If I adapted this story I would probably elaborate on the time spent with the cat/lady more. I would want to go deeper into their relationship than just the mere surface the original provides.
The Bear, the Eagle, and the Fish was an interesting story. I like the use of animals in the stories I have read this semester. After reading so many, you'd think I would be used to enchanted twists, but I was still a bit surprised. I think it would be interesting to tell the story from either the perspective of one of the daughters or of the brother.
Kojata reminded me of a few different stories that I read this semester. Having to pick her out of a line up and turning into different objects were both plots of different stories I have previously read. i don't know what I would do with this story, I just thought that was super cool!
The Three Roses was kind of disappointing. I love Beauty and the Beast so I was really looking forward to this one. It was just bizarre. I liked that it was a single mother instead of a father because you don't see that very often. However, it was very scarce on details and felt like it was being hurried along. Plus the ending was really out of place in my opinion. I think it would be interesting to adapt this story into a dream because the last line reminded me of something dream like.
Bibliography: The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis;
Mythfolklore Untextbook
Image 1: My Dream of You by Filmchild;
Image 2: Three Roses by Steve Lohmueller;
Steve Lohmueller Photography
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